Monday, July 30, 2007


I'm in love with! Not only do I have a place where I can tag my favorite sites… but I can see what others have "bookmarked" on the same page and see what they have to say, viewing the items they have tagged-> leading to additional resources! Talk about being connected! I'm blown away by this inter-connectivity (I think I just made up that word.) :)

I can see other educators out there that are interested in the same things I am. There are overlaps of users tagging the same sites I am -> leading to a common goal or mission. I’m trying to incorporate wikis, blogs, and other educational technology into a writer’s workshop for a language arts learning unit. Looks like others are tying to do the same thing. Very cool!

1 comment:

Magnum said...

Check out stumble upon also. It's another good time waster.