Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Collaborative Writing in Wikis

Wow! That was phenomenal! Writing in a wiki is so much easier than the old-school way of writing a million emails back and forth with drafts upon drafts sent all as separate Word attachments. The editor's task of placing all of these pieces together into one document can be a tedious one. Check email. Download Attachment. Cut. Paste. Format. Blah, blah. With wikis, you can have a whole group edit onto one document vs. individual documents. I love it! While I must admit I missed the excitement of my groups' dialogue because I was late, it was really easy to catch up to see what everyone was doing on the discussion page. Our Collaborative Writing piece on Internet Safety from the Educator's Point of View looks amazing if I do say so myself. Nice work Alan, Amy, Andrea, and Debra! Check it out at http://edcg611.wikispaces.com/iNet_Safety_A!

Wiki Reflections

  • Successful - YES. In numerous ways. See benefits.
  • Benefits - not a million emails, discussion tab kept a continous thread of all members input, all one doc, no attachments coming from 5 different people, no piecing together, user friendly, clean.
  • Drawbacks - NONE.
  • Technology helpful? - Extremely! I'm very happy I choose to take this class.

I loved the way the assignment was designed to be two-fold. Not only were we learning how to use wikis but we also were researching and discovering many different ways how we can educate our students about Internet safety. After reading and viewing many articles, sites, blogs and videos, I thoroughly understand the critical importance of helping our children to be safe on the Internet.

ps. Team B and C did an extraordinary job too! Nice work! Can't wait to be able to use these guides in my own classroom/ in real life!


Andrea said...

Hi Alison,

Glad to meet the phantom group member at last!

Thank you for all of your nice comments, and I hope we get a chance to work together again as well.

Take care!

~ Miss Miller said...

Hi Andrea!

Nice to meet you too! :)

You are very welcome. Your chapter on Cyberbullying was very powerful. I'll check you back at your blog!

Happy Summer!

July 12, 2007 2:25 PM

Debra Jones said...

Glad you could join us even if it is a bit late and it appears that you have come up to speed very quickly and nicely.
Welcome to our team! Just a note - Emily was not part of our team, I did the "Teacher's Tools of the Trade" and I'm glad you enjoyed it and hope you will be able to use the information in your future teaching.

Good job on your blog too!!
Take care and see you in cyberspace!

~ Miss Miller said...

Hi Debra,

Thank you for your kind words and clarification. I realized after the fact Emily’s name was placed for Team A and Team B. When I investigated a little closer, I saw Emily had collaborated with Team B in their discussion tab. I have to commend you on such a thorough job with your writing and being such a valuable contributor of this project. Nice job! I will easily be able to use our guide and the other teams’ guides in future teaching.

Hope you are enjoying your summer.

Take care,

~ Allison

acorriveau@hinghamschools.com said...

Nice to meet the phantom :)
No worries about joining late - it happens!
Yes, that picture is from my recent trip to the Grand Canyon. It was HOT but awesome, and we got to hike down, which I hadn't done before. Different view from below the rim!