Monday, July 23, 2007

My First Podcast Episode

What an incredible experience podcasting has been! All you need is your cousin Stephen's laptop with Wi-Fi, a $10 mic +/or a $20 cam and you can reach the whole world from a tiny island- where you have to take a boat to get there (Long Island, Maine). Initially, I made a video podcast but I am having trouble with that right now. So, for the sake of completing this homework assignment, I have made two audio podcasts.

Check out my first audio podcast ever:



Congratulations - your podcasts sound great! This was by far the most challenging week for me, I put many many hours into messing around with Archive and Ourmedia, but finally figured it out! I'm breathing a sigh of relief tonight! Where exactly is Long Island, ME? Sounds like a great get-away place. We're heading to a cabin in western MA in the Berkshires for the weekend - we all need a break!


JRILEY said...

Hi Allison - fine commentaries! And so cool that you can offer such communications to the world from a remote island...

They're not QUITE podcasts yet, though, because there's no way for an interested listener to "subscribe" to them without going to your blog. To create a podcast subscription, you need to run your blog through feedburner, and then change your Blogspot account to use the Feedburner feed. Instructions for all that are in Week 8 in WebCT.

THEN when your loyal fans want to subscribe to your commentaries, they'll have a feed address they can pop into iTunes to

Also note that you want to put each commentary in a separate blog entry. That way, Feedburner and iTunes know that you're creating podcast "episodes."

-- j

Meredith said...

You did a great job on these! I think your second podcast could be an ad for this class - a perfect way to explain the benefit of educational technology!

~ Miss Miller said...

Thank you for your comments Sigrid, Joanne, and Meredith!

Long Island, Maine is off the coast of Portland. Our family has been going there for generations. Our family reunion is there every July with over 100 people in attendance. I hope you had fun in the Berkshires, Sigrid.

Joanne, I completed the steps you mentioned re: Feedburner. I'm not quite sure what happened but I will go back and investigate.

Thanks for your kind words Meredith. You did an excellent job on your podcast too!

~ Miss Miller said...

Ah ha! Discovered the problem with the Feedburner address. I entered the incorrect URL. The correct address is:

I was using the feedburner dashboard address of: